Myth: “I can’t have ADHD, I got good grades in school.”
School performance as the sole indicator of ADHD remains a prevalent myth that leads to delayed and misdiagnosis, especially for women/AFAB folks. Many people, professionals and clients alike, assume if a student gets good grades or is even high achieving, then they are not struggling and simply cannot have ADHD. The truth is much more nuanced. There is no single, valid way to struggle. Working with a therapist who specializes in ADHD can help contextualize your personal experiences. Some frequently-overlooked signs of undiagnosed ADHD in school include (but are not limited to):
- Frequent procrastination on homework, projects, papers, etc.
- Under-achievement, or not reaching full potential
- Extremely high achievement and perfectionism
- Strong feelings of shame or “feeling like a failure” when receiving a “bad grade”
- Struggling with math and science, or reading and writing
- Easily frustrated when engaging with challenging subjects
- Struggles to do schoolwork outside of school- homework, summer reading, research, etc.
- Struggles with going to class, meeting deadlines, keeping up with reading and homework, etc. emerged in college while previously performing well in K-12
- Chronic lateness
- Overcommitting and failing to follow through
- Withdrawing from classes due to inability to keep up with workload
- Frequently misplacing backpack/supplies, homework, important forms, etc.
There is no singular indication of ADHD, and most people will experience one or more of the aforementioned list at some point in their lives. These are fairly normal human experiences. Context matters. Struggling with a specific subject or withdrawing from one (1) class does not mean you have ADHD. However, if you identify with several of the list items, and they’ve been persistent and severe throughout your life, speak with a therapist who specializes in ADHD. ADHD, like all things under the mental health umbrella, takes normal human experiences and amplifies them to the point of distress. Undiagnosed and untreated ADHD can negatively impact self-worth and lead to feelings of intense shame or guilt, as well as depression and anxiety.
Myth: “I can’t have ADHD, I got good grades in school.”
Fact: You can get good grades and also have ADHD. They are not mutually exclusive.
School scores are a small piece of a larger picture. Looking at your process, how you managed school, is much more important than grades alone. Explore this with a therapist, and you might discover you’re more resilient than you realized. 🙂